Your Google account is yours to use and own. You're unable to access your account because you forgot your password. Google sends the security code to a phone number you no longer have access to when you attempt to get it.
You seek our counsel and direction in order to regain access to your account.
Could you please check that I understood your problem correctly?
I appreciate your patience while I typed your response.
We are the independent, for-profit consulting business found at
Permit me to respond to you in general using the facts I currently possess. Tell me if you require any further information, please.
1. You can have Google text the security code to your registered alternate email address or your phone. Telling Google that you don't have the phone is all that is required.
2. Please refer to the photo attached. "I don't have my phone" is written on the bottom left.
3. Please click that link once you are on that screen. It will request your backup email address and send the code to that address.
4. Your Gmail account is permanently locked if you are unable to access your backup email account.
This is my initial attempt at responding to your query. You are welcome to carry on the conversation if you have any further questions.
I'm not going to end this discussion. Actually, unless you close it, you are welcome to return at any moment.
I appreciate the chance to be of assistance to you.
Just checking in: Did this response improve your situation? I am available to you if you have any more questions. Kindly inform me.